Explore Suupohja

Isojoki, Karijoki, Kauhajoki, Kurikka, and Teuva

Suupohja is the southernmost sub-region of South Ostrobothnia, full of open bogs, wild spruce, villages, and endless hospitality.

Welcome to Suupohja!

Explore our region’s stunning natural attractions and achieving tourism entrepreneurs and operators.

The video has been implemented as part of the SE to NW ESTFIN project. It is produced by Islandlake Films / Tomi Saarijärvi.

Pitkospuut suolla. Etualalla pieni mänty.

The journey of Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas into UNESCO Global Geopark

Introducing Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas Geopark – one of the gems of the Suupohja region!

Explore the journey

Find the best nature destinations in Suupohja  

Visit Suupohja presents a large number of great nature destinations from Suupohja. For a first-timer, the abundance of items can cause downright difficulty in choosing. For those living in the area, Visit Suupohja can reveal surprising discoveries from nearby areas or new details about otherwise familiar destinations.

Discover the best adventures!

#visitsuupohja on Instagram


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