Jyllinkoski Electric Park

Jyllinkoski’s old power plant is surrounded by immensely beautiful rapids. There is a nature trail to Kiskonniemi and along it an observation platform at the edge of an old dam, a green grove forest, a campfire place on the shore, a summer café. The Museum of Information Technology and the Electric Museum operate in the Jyllinkoski  Electric Park.

The place is fully accessible with prams and wheelchairs, with the exception of the observation platform, which has steep steps along the Kiskonniemi path. With prams and wheelchairs, you should go over the bridge from the electric power plant museum’s yard and turn right onto a small road. It offers absolutely wonderful views of the dam. The nature trail of Kiskonniemi begins opposite the white museum building from the other side of the road. There are steps uphill which can easily go unnoticed. There is  tidy lean-to-shetler in Kiskonniemi.

You can check the opening hours of the museum area on the website of Informaatiotekniikan Museoyhdistys Ry.

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Kohteen tiedot päivitetty: 6.6.2024