Lintutornista avautuvat upeat näkymät Mustasaarenkeitaalle.


Mustasaarenkeidas, located in Isojoki, South Ostrobothnia, is part of a large marshland protection area maintained by Metsähallitus. It is a very peaceful and quiet destination.

There is a 1.3-kilometre nature trail from a small parking area, which has been designed to be accessible for people with reduced mobility. However, it is not fully accessible, and wheelchair users need an assistant. We recommend that you walk the path clockwise, in which case you depart from the map guide and the map of the area. The nature trail runs through a forest where you are sure to hear the songs of birds across a vast marshland, and where you can find a sturdy bird-watching tower. The lower floor of the bird-watching tower can also be accessed by wheelchair. The tower offers extensive views of the magnificent marshland. There is also a table and benches in the tower, where you can sit down for a picnic.

After the magnificent landscapes of the marshland, the path dives back into the deep forest and ends at the starting point. The magnificent scenery and the short path are a great place for families with children.

Mustansaarenkeidas is one of the Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas Unesco Global Geopark destinations.

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Kohteen tiedot päivitetty: 24.6.2024