Taukopaikka Kauhalammen rannalla, etualalla puiset penkit ja pöytä, takaalalla pitkospuut ja vesistö.

Kauhaneva-Pohjankangas National Park

The Kauhaneva-Pohjankangas National Park is a gem of southern marshlands, a wilderness-like bird oasis along a medieval route. The Kyrönkangas road takes you through expansive pine moors to the hummocks and hollows of Kauhaneva. During the spring season, you can hear the variety of Kauhaneva’s many precious bird species. In the autumn, as the sun sets, you can see dozens of cranes take flight. The noise is overwhelming and the experience impressive.

The Kauhaneva-Pohjankangas National Park is located in the provinces of Satakunta and South Ostrobothnia. The car park on the Satakunta side is located in Salonmaa in Karvia, and the park on the South Ostrobothnia side can be accessed using the Nummikangas car park.

The Kauhaneva-Pohjankangas National Park consists of scattered marshlands, the largest of which is Kauhaneva. Another large area is located around the Pohjankangas ridge.  Incorporating Katikankanjoni into the national park was a significant addition to its landscape.

Seen from the air, Kauhaneva has many springs and ponds, the largest of which is Kauhalampi. The Kauhalammin kierros walking path circles 2.7 km around the pond. The route goes partially on the forest floor and partially on duckboards.  The duckboards take you all the way to a rest area by the pond, where in the summer you can go for swim in the pond. There are accessible duckboards of about 100 metres from the Salomaa rest area to the viewing platform at the edge of the swamp. Campfire places are located next to the observation tower on the Nummikangas side and at the Salonmaa rest area. There is an accessible rest area and a latrine at the Salomaa campfire place. The other duckboards in the area are narrow and therefore not suitable for people with reduced mobility. The Kyrönkangas summer gravel road that runs through the park is wheelchair accessible. We recommend having an assistant.

There is also room for camper vans at the Salonmaa car park, and overnight stays are allowed.

The Kauhaneva-Pohjankangas National Park is one of the Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas Unesco Global Geopark destinations.

The national park is suitable for day trips and is managed by Metsähallitus.

The video below has been created by the association Kauhajoki-Seura ry as part of the “Kotiseututieto digiaikaan” (Digitising local traditional information) project (kauhajoki.net)

Kohteen tiedot päivitetty: 7.6.2024