Metsola lean-to shelter

An lean-to shelter open for all, maintained by the association Muurahaisen erämiehet ry. There is no firewood supply at the lean-to, so bring your own.


Enjoy the sound of rushing water and natural peace while walking on Kohinapolku. The Nummijoki river flows near the old Nummikoski school, with two long

Korpipesä lean-to shelter

The Korpipesä lean-to shelter is located on the Muinasvuoret set routes that connect Teuva and Karijoki, between the Iso-Kakkori and Sivi cottages. The Korpipesä lean-to

Ikkeläjärvi beach

There are signs to the beach from the Ikkeläjärvi road. The last kilometre or so is a dirt road. The Ikkeläjärvi beach has a jetty,