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Lauhanvuori National Park – Beach path

The Lauhanvuori beach path is a 2.6 km long circular trail. The route starts from the Lauhanvuori observation tower. The route takes about an hour when the ground is not frozen. This easy nature trail showcases the geology of the hill, its vegetation, and the human activity on the mountain slopes. The route is well signposted. The route is intended to be followed counter-clockwise. Before leaving the top of Lauhanvuori Hill, you can first admire the surrounding scenery from the observation tower.

The path goes past the twin lean-to shelters of the Lauha cottage, where hikers can enjoy a picnic lunch or roast sausages. The Lauha cottage can be rented. There is also a pump well near the Lauha cottage. Lauhanvuori is excellent terrain for picking mushrooms and berries. There are latrines at the top of Lauhanvuori and in the yard of the Lauha cottage. Take your own latrine paper with you.

The Lauhanvuori destinations are also destinations of the Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas UNESCO Global Geopark.

Kohteen tiedot päivitetty: 11.6.2024