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Lauhanvuori National Park – Geobike mountain biking trail

The Geobike trail includes a variety of the geological sites of Lauhanvuori. The route runs in varying terrain, along paths, skiing tracks, and dirt roads. The total length of the circular trail is 35 km. The trail is suitable for  those who already have some mountain biking experience, but the terrain is also suitable for beginners – especially on guided tours. There are two official starting points to the trail, one at the Lauhanvuori observation tower and the other at the Lauhansarvi Nature Resort.

The trail passes the day cottage at Kärkikeidas and rest areas by Lake Spitaalijärvi and at Kaivolampi. You can also take a dip in Lake Spitaalijärvi or Kaivolampi, although there are no official beaches. There are latrines at all three locations, but you should bring your own latrine paper.

The mountain bike trails are only available when the ground is not frozen. In winter, ski trails run along part of the trail, and it is not maintained. The trail can be divided into two smaller routes (8 or 16 km) or combined into one longer route. The routes are intended to be followed clockwise.

The Lauhanvuori destinations are also destinations of the Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas UNESCO Global Geopark.

Kohteen tiedot päivitetty: 10.6.2024