
…at the Julumetun sali hall, or to enjoy the steam of one of the saunas, please contact Erkki Kalliomäki for bookings. Find out more about the peculiar Kammikylä: https://visitsuupohja.fi/wp-content/uploads/VisitSuupohja_Seikkaile_SuupohjassaKammikyla_mixdown.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giIc9YRWIyo…

Lake Suksenjärvi route

…part of the Muinaisvuori trails that connect Teuva and Karijoki. Points of interest along the trail: Suksenjärven laavu ja lintutornit Järvikämppä Järvilaavu Sivin autiotupa Sivin laavu Learn more: https://visitsuupohja.fi/wp-content/uploads/VisitSuupohja-Suksenjarvi.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpt498tlV5s&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fvisitsuupohja.fi%2F&source_ve_path=OTY3MTQ&feature=emb_imp_woyt…


…Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas Unesco Global Geopark destinations. The video below has been created by the association Kauhajoki-Seura ry as part of the “Kotiseututieto digiaikaan” (Digitising local traditional information) project (kauhajoki.net) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJpKWcsKuwg  …

Devil’s Nest

…in the village in the 1840s, lived and supported himself on berries and hunting. Next to the Devil’s Nest is a hut for free use by visitors, more information here….


…along forest paths that are mainly dry and in good condition. A small stretch of the route runs along actual roads, and you should be careful when crossing roads. There…

Susiluola (Wolf cave)

…as a result of rock erosion, and its age has been estimated at more than 2.6 million years. It is difficult to obtain information on the human presence on Finnish…

Turning point of the locomotive

…way. It’s important to exercise special caution in the vicinity of the railway track and the turntable, and refrain from climbing onto the structures. Access is at your own risk….

Kurjenkierros – The Maalarinmaa rest area

on the Ilmajoki side. The route of the Levaneva nature reserve is 13 km long and marked with blue labels. It circles beautiful swamp landscapes, with short stretches through various…

Jyllinkoski Electric Park

…the bridge from the electric power plant museum’s yard and turn right onto a small road. It offers absolutely wonderful views of the dam. The nature trail of Kiskonniemi begins…

Rinnemäki ski track/fitness track

Rinnemäki fitness track is is 2,3 km long. In the winter, a ski track is prepared on the route. You can ski both cross country and free skiing styles. The…

Lauhavuori National Park – Pirunkierros

The Pirunkierros trail will get you acquainted with the ancient sandstone formations of Lauhanvuori, the beaches, and the development of marshes. Right at the starting point is the biggest stone…