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Lauhavuori National Park – Kivijata Stone Field

The Lauhanvuori stone field is formed from sandstone. It is a remnant of a sandstone cliff area, crumbling rocks that were shaped by the Ice Age and the coastal forces and earthquakes following the Ice Age. Traditionally, the Kivijata Stone Field was thought to be part of a wall erected by giants.

The 4 km long Pirunkierros trail starts from the Kivijata Stone Field. After the first kilometre, the path forks, leading to Lake Spitaalijärvi. The Pirunkierros trail passes by the Leikkistenkangas lean-to shelter.

Please only cross the Kivijata Stone Field along the signposted route.

The Lauhanvuori destinations are also destinations of the Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas UNESCO Global Geopark.

Kohteen tiedot päivitetty: 11.6.2024