Spitaalijärvellä on kaksi pientä laituria, josta voi pulahtaa uimaan.

Lauhavuori National Park – Spitaalijärvi

Lake Spitaalijärvi in the Lauhanvuori National Park is one of the highest lakes in the Geopark area. Lake Spitaalijärvi on the Isojoki river is well suited as a hiking place for the whole family. From the Spitaalijärvi car park, there is an easy path of about 500 metres to the western shore of the lake, where you can find an accessible kitchen canopy, a campfire place, an accessible latrine, wood storage, and a map of the area. There is also a camping area, a spring, and a latrine on the eastern shore.

Sites near Lake Spitaalijärvi include the Lauhavuori observation tower, Aumakivi Rock, Kivijata Stone Field, and Huhtakorpi, which are great destinations for day hikes.

The Lauhanvuori destinations are also destinations of the Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas UNESCO Global Geopark. Learn more:


Kohteen tiedot päivitetty: 11.6.2024