
…at the Julumetun sali hall, or to enjoy the steam of one of the saunas, please contact Erkki Kalliomäki for bookings. Find out more about the peculiar Kammikylä: https://visitsuupohja.fi/wp-content/uploads/VisitSuupohja_Seikkaile_SuupohjassaKammikyla_mixdown.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giIc9YRWIyo…

Lake Suksenjärvi route

…part of the Muinaisvuori trails that connect Teuva and Karijoki. Points of interest along the trail: Suksenjärven laavu ja lintutornit Järvikämppä Järvilaavu Sivin autiotupa Sivin laavu Learn more: https://visitsuupohja.fi/wp-content/uploads/VisitSuupohja-Suksenjarvi.wav https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpt498tlV5s&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fvisitsuupohja.fi%2F&source_ve_path=OTY3MTQ&feature=emb_imp_woyt…


…Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas Unesco Global Geopark destinations. The video below has been created by the association Kauhajoki-Seura ry as part of the “Kotiseututieto digiaikaan” (Digitising local traditional information) project (kauhajoki.net) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJpKWcsKuwg  …

Kaarlela park

The beautiful Kaarlela, owned by the Lions Club, has an area of about two hectares and is located near the centre of Päntäne. The area comprises old riverside meadows and…

Kauhaneva-Pohjankangas National Park

…go for swim in the pond. There are accessible duckboards of about 100 metres from the Salomaa rest area to the viewing platform at the edge of the swamp. Campfire…