Soistunut järvi, jossa menee  hieman upoksissa olevat pitkospuut. Aurinko paistaa korkealta ja taivas on pilvetön. Kauempana näkyy pieni osa järven vettä ja taustalla metsä.

Lake Niinistönjärvi

Lake Niinistönjärvi is a small, shallow, and swampy lake in Kurikka. The reason the lake is shallow and swampy is due to the drainage of the lake in the 20th century. Despite the drainage, there is some open water left in the lake.

The surroundings of Lake Niinistönjärvi are a popular hiking destination, and the place is well suited for a family hiking trip. The numerous birds of Suojärvi can be observed from the bird-watching tower, which is next to a stopping place. In addition to the bird-watching tower, the area contains a spacious and tidy barbecue place, a campfire site, and a 3.5-kilometre path in the marshes. In the immediate vicinity of the barbecue place, there is also a hut built by Lakeuden moottorikelkkailijat ry and Lions Club Kurikka that is open to everyone, as well as a wooden warehouse and toilet facilities.  Because the place is very popular, you should bring your own firewood with you.

During the snowy winters, a popular skiing track of 10 kilometres is made on Lake Niinistöjärvi, from Säläisjärvi on the Jurva side.

Kohteen tiedot päivitetty: 25.6.2024