Kalliokota is located in the Myötämäenkalliot area of Tainuskylä in Jurva. The easiest way to get there is from the Sahanhaudan metsätie road, with a
Kategoria: Lean-to shelters, campfire places, and huts
Enjoy the sound of rushing water and natural peace while walking on Kohinapolku. The Nummijoki river flows near the old Nummikoski school, with two long
Kiuaskallio lean-to shelter
The lean-to is located next to the lower car park of the Kiuaskallio ski slope. Inside the lean-to shelter, there is a campfire place with
Korpipesä lean-to shelter
The Korpipesä lean-to shelter is located on the Muinasvuoret set routes that connect Teuva and Karijoki, between the Iso-Kakkori and Sivi cottages. The Korpipesä lean-to
Lake Komsinjärvi lean-to hut
The lean-to at Lake Komsinjärvi is located along the Pappilankangas routes of Teuva. Lake Komsinjärvi has become waterlogged, which means that despite the name, you
Männistönluoma hut
A neat white hut is located under a large power line in Sahankylä. The hut is small, and there is no firewood for public use.
Ikkeläjärvi beach
There are signs to the beach from the Ikkeläjärvi road. The last kilometre or so is a dirt road. The Ikkeläjärvi beach has a jetty,