Parran laavun takaa avautuu hieno pirunpelto.

Parra’s lean-to shelter and stone fields

A lean-to shelter located near the top of Pikku-Parra hill. The lean-to shelter is often filled with firewood, so overnight stays are not an option. In front of the lean-to shelter, there is seating and a place for a campfire made of large flat rocks. The lean-to shelter has a wood supply.

There is a lighted fitness track next to the lean-to shelter.

Near the lean-to shelter, there is a path that leads to a 400-year-old pine tree.

There are several stone fields in the Parra area that were created during the ice age. The easiest one to get to is the stone field near the top of Pikku-Parra, next to Parra’s lean-to shelter. You can reach it by walking along the forest track, but you can reach it by car, if necessary.

There is only a small ascent from the stone field to the top of Pikku-Parra hill. The last few hundred metres must be done on foot, but the open landscapes are worth the effort.

Kohteen tiedot päivitetty: 26.6.2024