Korven jotos

There are several routes in Korven jotos and you can choose the one you prefer. They run through the terrain of Korvenkylä and Hakuni in Kurikka. The terrain is relatively flat, but varied. There are several starting points and they vary according to the routes.

Korven jotos I is a route of about 4.3 km. You can choose to start at the Hakuni Horse and Livestock Farm or the Hakuni fitness trck parking lot. There are two lean-to shelters on the route, the Ylevä lean-to shelter and the Kalliojärvi lean-to shelter.

Korven jotos II is a route of about 4.2 km. You can also choose to start from Hakuni Horse and Livestock Farm or Ailasali. There are three huts on the route: Korpi lean-to shelter, Kallionpää lean-to shelter and hut and Matti’s lean-to shelter.

Korven jotos III is a 6.9 km long trail that follows a small stretch of the same paths as Korven jotos II. The route therefore also includes the Korpi and Matti’s lean-to shelters. The route can be started from three different points, from the Korpilinna rest stop, from the Korentie launch site or from the Ailasali.

Lohiluoma jotos is the longest of the four routes, at 7.2 km. The route follows some of the same paths as the other Korven jotos routes. There are three lean-to shelters on the route: Kuusinen, Korpi and Ylevä lean-to shelters. The trail starts from the parking lot of the Hakuni fitness track.

In winter, some of the Korven Jotos trails are paved, so you can also walk on them in winter. See the information and status of the tamped routes on Korven jotos facebook.

Kohteen tiedot päivitetty: 13.6.2024